Important Information:
Translations and new pages are being posted to the forum too.
Here is the YouTube Video the screen grabs are from. (Not all of the screen grabs are on this pub-reader. I mostly just added ones with art. The rest are here.)
Official Link: here
Important: Amazon Japan ships this item internationally when it is in stock.
Publisher's Shop:
If we could unlock these, we could get better images.
Google Translate Description:
"The Legend of Zelda" Book of the 25th anniversary compilation! In Chapter 1, "the story of the beginning" as "Ward Sky Sword" Himotoki world, in Chapter 2, "History of Hyrule all entitled" "Hyrule" to reveal all of the genealogy of. In Chapter 3, once the material published artwork including a number of settings for 25 years. In addition, Mr. Akira Himekawa drawn comic "The Legend of Zelda Sword Ward Sky" (32 pages including 8 pages color) recorded. "The Legend of Zelda", edited by Eiji Aonuma series producer responsibility, "Legend of Zelda" 25th Anniversary "Zelda" fan book a must-hate gorgeous! Resources - from the editors - will debut material Zelda artwork, fans must see! Creator of Zelda, has also gotten comments from Shigeru Miyamoto.
International Release Info:
As far as I know this volume is not being released outside of Japan.
Japanese Title: ハイラル・ヒストリア ゼルダの伝説 大全: 任天堂
Paperback: 247 pages
Publisher: Nintendo/Shogakukan
ISBN-10: 409227159X
ISBN-13: 978-4092271593
Product Dimensions: 10.2 x 7.2 x .7 inches
Price: 3,255 yen
If you have info on any other international releases, please let me know so I can add them to this list.
If you have info on any other international releases, please let me know so I can add them to this list.
If any of the info on this page is incorrect, please let me know. |